Heart disease

The Effect of Stress on Your Body

Let’s look at the effects of stress on the body Each of us have a different threshold for feeling “stressed” yet most would agree it is not a comfortable feeling. …

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Stress and the heart

Does stress affect your heart It is often assumed that stress affects the heart and other arteries. Recent studies add further credence to this. Fortunately there are things you can …

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How much exercise is too much?

  Many of you exercise a lot – and we have always encouraged a decent volume of exercise. If you are physically active then you have a 30% lower risk …

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Job strain associated with heart disease

Researchers have found an association between job strain and coronary heart disease. People who experience job strain are 23% more likely to experience a heart attack, compared to people without …

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Is testosterone safe?

Is testosterone safe? Testosterone gives us energy, boosts our muscle mass and bone strength, boosts insulin sensitivity (which is the opposite of diabetes), reduces body fat, and gives us more …

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Views on cholesterol and statins

Views on cholesterol and statin therapy in the recent ABC catalyst programs I have had a number of emails from clients asking my views on a recent two-part program which …

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6 medical tests you MUST have

To keep you and your employees in peak health with no chronic illness, we recommend annual health checks and the following ‘must have’ medical tests when appropriate. WHY? Because we …

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The power of prevention

Learn how to minimise your risk of heart disease and cancer Transcript of Power of Prevention video Hello, I’m John Cummins the Practice Principal at Executive Medicine. Today I’d like …

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