Workplace health

SkyNews Business Interview

Learn more about John’s career trajectory and why he believes 90% of chronic illness is preventable with the right health care. To learn more …. Sign up for our monthly …

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Improving health in the workplace

Improving health at work can improve your bottom line Dr John Cummins discusses what can be done in the work environment to facilitate health behaviour changes and improve health. Move …

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Bad Food Habits Impact Productivity

In his recent article, Food for Thought, Dr John Cummins discusses how bad food habits can impact negatively on productivity in the workplace. Avoid fruit juice. Choose water instead. Eat nuts …

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Creating a Healthy Workplace

Many companies are actively and successfully working to achieve positive health outcomes for staff and employers. Learn how in my recent article Creating a Healthy Workplace: Bringing everyone on board …

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One of my workers is on stress leave

One of my workers is on stress leave: what should I do? Discover why documented mental health return to work policies and procedures are important for you and your employees. …

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Inside the female brain

Neurological studies show how comparisons between the female and male brain can play out in the workplace. For example … Due to their biological makeup, women in general thrive in …

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Workplace Health Programs

The Health and Productivity Institute of Australia (HAPIA) reports that workplace health programs result in improved productivity. HAPIA reports a: 25% average decrease in sick leave absenteeism 40% decrease in …

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Stay@Work Report

The research shows that effective workplace health programs are good for business. The Stay@Work Report concluded that employers with highly effective workplace health programs experienced superior performance with the following …

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